Floyd Open
27th Annual Floyd Open Results
Closest to Pin #4: Randy Reiff 5′ 4″
Closest to Pin #11: Jay Siff 8-feet
Closest to Pin # 15: Matt Landis 22.5-inches
Women’s Longest Drive: Lauren Saylor
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Steve Hassett
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Joe Dobry
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Roger Williams
1st Place: Kyle Smith, Geoff Quinque, Nick Niess, Matt Neuber (59) (Match of cards, Eagle on #3, 1st handicap hole)
2nd Place: Glenn Link, Kevin Persaud, Andy Hawkins, Brian Johnson (59)
3rd Place: Doug Evans, Ken Evans, Nick Palumbo, Dennis Murphy (60)
Closest to Pin #4: Dave Esser 11-feet
Closest to Pin #11: Shawn Justice 5′ 4″
Closest to Pin # 15: Bill White 7-inches
Women’s Longest Drive: Lauren Cronmiller
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Phil Dlugolecki
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Bruce Blank
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Mike Mientus
1st Place: Rob Miley, Dave Kendall, Dave Howard, Robby Bunton (57)
2nd Place: Stan Yelito, Joe Imburgia, Geoff Quinque, Andrew Stoudt (58) (Match of Cards, Eagle on #3, 1st Handicap Hole)
3rd Place: Joe Harwanko Sr., Mark Hogan, Sue Harwanko, Josh Harwanko (58)
Closest to Pin #4: Mark Hogan HOLE IN ONE!
Closest to Pin #11: Justin Tarpey 11′ 8″
Closest to Pin # 15: Jay Fegley 7′ 11″
Women’s Longest Drive: Joan Price
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Pete Klingman
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Hurley McBrierty
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Joe Alcaro Sr.
Floyd Open Results
Closest to Pin #4: Bruce Blank 8′ 1″
Closest to Pin #11: Brett Smith 3′ 5″
Closest to Pin # 15: Joe Alcaro Sr. 3′ 6″
Women’s Longest Drive: Janice Neuber
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Geoff Quinque
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Joe Alcaro Sr.
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Jody Koch
1st Place: Dave Ott, Dave Howard, Joe Corcoran, Steve Wentzel (58) (Match of cards, Eagle on #3, 1st handicap hole)
2nd Place: Geoff Quinque, Amanda Quinque, Mark Culver, Matt Neuber (58)
3rd Place: Mike Swenk, Craig Frank, Mike Balco, Macaulay Swenk (59)
Closest to Pin #4: Geoff Quinque 2′ 6″
Closest to Pin #11: Jake Eberle 8-feet
Closest to Pin # 15: Dave Little 3′ 7″
Women’s Longest Drive: Amanda Quinque
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Geoff Quinque
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Craig Frank
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Mike Stadnycki
1st Place: Glenn Link, Andy Hawkins, Joe Dulin, Brian Johnson (59)
2nd Place: Joel Hoffman, Justin Tarpey, Geoff Kozak, Cas Dlugolecki (61) (Match of Cards: Birdie on #3, 1st Handicap Hole)
3rd Place: Bob Emerick, Vince Helo, Troy Long, Fred Fels (61)
Closest to Pin #4: Mark McClelland 1′ 10″
Closest to Pin #11: Geoff Kozak 4′ 11″
Closest to Pin # 15: Gene Beck 3′ 5″
Women’s Longest Drive: Wanda Reed
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Geoff Kozak
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Joe Landis
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Roger Williams
Closest to Pin #4: Ryan Fogel 2′ 1″
Closest to Pin #11: Jeff Frye 4’ 4”
Closest to Pin # 15: Cas Dlugolecki 6′ 4″
Women’s Longest Drive: Joan Price
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Louis Serrone
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Cas Dlugolecki
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Roger Williams
1st Place: G. Halteman, A. Halteman, M. Huynh, G. Godshall (59)
2nd Place: M. Kuhns, D. Fox, A. Bartholomew, T. Fox (62) (Match of cards, Birdie on #13, 3rd handicap hole)
3rd Place: R. Simmons, A. Hawkins, V. Helo (62)
Closest to Pin #4: Roberta Simmons 1′ 6″
Closest to Pin #11: Chris Fenstermaker 3′ 4″
Closest to Pin # 15: Brian Weirback 5′ 2″
Women’s Longest Drive: Jennifer Law
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Matt Tucker
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Greg Woods
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Jay Siff
1st Place: J. Hoffman, C. Dlugolecki, P. Dlugolecki, Tarpey (59) Overall Low Score – Match of cards, Birdie on #10, 4th handicap hole
2nd Place: G. Link, A. Hawkins, J. Dulin, B. Johnson (61)
3rd Place: K. Smith, G. Quinque, M. Neuber, N. Niess (62)
Closest to Pin #4: Jido Hart 4′ 6″
Closest to Pin #11: Fred Fels 3′ 1″
Closest to Pin # 15: Matt Neuber 4′ 5″
Women’s Longest Drive: Patti Drakas
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Troy Long
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Joel Hoffman
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Dave Derstine
1st Place: Brickman, Klass, Alcaro and McLaughlin (60)
2nd Place: Miley, Bunton, Kendall and Wreath (61)
3rd Place: C. Dlugolecki, Allison, Horne and Chaffee (63)
Closest to Pin #4: Cas Dlugolecki 1′ 7″
Closest to Pin #11: C. Kriebel 10’ 6”
Closest to Pin # 15: Jeff Orce 1′ 6″
Women’s Longest Drive: Janet Wentling
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Phil Dlugolecki
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Barry Delp
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Charlie Crawford
1st Place: Saylor, Balco, Frank and Swenk (60)
2nd Place: Miley, Thomas, Sweatt and Howard (61)
3rd Place: Simmons, Hawkins, Helo and Buck (61) Birdie on #11 and Eagle on #16 for 2 skins!
Closest to Pin #4: Matt Tucker 8′ 7″
Closest to Pin #11: Wayne Winkler 9′ 3″
Closest to Pin # 15: Mike Lynch 2′
Women’s Longest Drive: Lynette Ross
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Mike Latham
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Gino Schneider
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Brian Mininger
1st Place: R. Williams, J. Williams, J. Alcaro Sr. and J. Alcaro Jr. (58) Overall Low Score
2nd Place: Hoffman, C. Dlugolecki, P. Dlugolecki and Tarpey (59)
3rd Place: Link, Dulin, Hawkins and Kriebel (62)
Closest to Pin #4: Jay Fegley 10′ 4″
Closest to Pin #11: Nick DiTizio 12′ 8″
Closest to Pin # 15: Chip Baker 3″
Women’s Longest Drive: Steph Mill
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Drew Kriebel
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Cas Dlugolecki
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Roger Williams
1st Place: Baringer, Creswell, Bromwell, and Moyer (60)
2nd Place: Miley, Bunton, Howard and Corcoran (60)
3rd Place: Quinque, Culver, Gordon and Neuber (61)
Closest to Pin #4: Rob Miley 3’ 5”
Closest to Pin #11: Dave Derstine 8’ 3”
Closest to Pin # 15: Tom “Moe” Horne 12”
Women’s Longest Drive: Samantha Clevenstine
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Kyle Greenwalt
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Mark Hogan
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Bob Reed
1st Place: Saylor, Balco, Frank and Swenk (58) Overall Lowest Score
2nd Place: Haltman, Haltman, Huynn, Hagey (61)
3rd Place: Bussell, Steiner, White and Parise (63) Double Eagle on Hole #6 for $720 skins prize!
Closest to Pin #4: Matt Tucker 25.5”
Closest to Pin #11: Andy Hawkins 13.5”
Closest to Pin # 15: John McIntyre 6’ 2”
Women’s Longest Drive: Rose Zantek
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Adam Halteman
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Gino Schneider
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Scott Strouse
1st Place: Hoffman, Dlugolecki, Dlugolecki, and Jarpey (60)
2nd Place: Link, Dulin, Hawkins and Johnson (61)
3rd Place: Kirchner, Murphy, Kulp and Reaborn (62)
Closest to Pin #4: George Smith 15’ 8”
Closest to Pin #11: Downtown Randy Brown 7’ 8”
Closest to Pin # 15: Bob Neubert 4’ 2“
Women’s Longest Drive: Roxann Betz
Men’s Longest Drive Age 49 and under: Bruce Blank
Men’s Longest Drive Age 50-61: Roger Williams
Men’s Longest Drive Age 62 and over: Bill Kenny
1st Place: Mia Baringer, James Cresswell, Dylan Moyer, James Bromwell 61 (Match of cards, 2nd handicap hole)
2nd Place: Phil Dlugolecki, Wayne Inman, Chris Inman, Bill Polek 61
3rd Place: Bob Weber, Bob Reed, Rob Reed, Eric Olenick 62
Men’s Long Drive Age 49 and under: Neil Shock
Men’s Long Drive Age 50-61: Joe Alcaro Sr.
Men’s Long Drive Age 62 and over: Tom Rodenberger
Women’s Long Drive: Becky Herrmann
Closest to Pin #4: Jim Bressi 4′ 5″
Closest to Pin #11: James Bromwell 11′ 11″
Closest to Pin #15: Joe Alcaro 7.5″
1st Place: Joe Imburgia, Geoff Quinque, Stan Yelito, James Cresswell 60
2nd Place: Gary Saylor, Mike Balco, Mike Swenk, Bob Swenk 61
3rd Place: Glenn Halteman, Adam Halteman, Chuck Kreglow, Ken Hagey 62
Men’s Long Drive Age 49 and under: Mike Swenk
Men’s Long Drive Age 50-61: Scott Laskey
Men’s Long Drive Age 62 and over: Joe McGuckin
Women’s Long Drive: Roberta Simmons
Closest to Pin #4: James Cresswell 10′ 10″
Closest to Pin #11: David Slotter 5′ 10″
Closest to Pin #15: Roberta Simmons 1′ 10″
1st Place: Roger Williams, Josh Williams, Clay Anders, Rodney Anders 59 (Overall low score for the weekend)
2nd Place: Joel Hoffman, Cas Dlugolecki, Phil Dlugolecki, Justin Tarpey 61 (Match of cards, 1st handicap hole)
3rd Place: Glenn Link, John Dulin, Andy Hawkins, Brian Johnson 61
Men’s Long Drive Age 49 and under: Bill Emerick IV
Men’s Long Drive Age 50-61: Vince Helo
Men’s Long Drive Age 62 and over: Denny Stultz
Women’s Long Drive: Patty Schickling
Closest to Pin #4: Andy Grenier 5′ 10″
Closest to Pin #11: Bob McQuaid 5′ 8″
Closest to Pin #15: Eric Seyler 2′ 6″